Troy, April 2022 – Premier Platinum Sponsors, PROSTEP, the industry leading Dassault partner for PLM integration, migration, and data exchange for manufacturers in industries such as aerospace and defense, automotive and transportation, shipbuilding, consumer goods, and machinery, lends a wide range of technical expertise through its upcoming presentations at COExperience 2022. The 25+ year event, held yearly by COE, the Community and Experts of Dassault Systemes Solutions sponsored by founding partner, Dassault Systemes, brings together industry leaders to share, connect, and lend best practices for Dassault solutions.
As platinum sponsors, PROSTEP is excited to showcase their exclusive PLM integration, migration, and data exchange solutions to the thousands of Dassault users in attendance. With a longstanding and highly recognized partnership with Dassault, PROSTEP enables customers to tailor and expand their Dassault solutions for change and future growth.
Exclusive presentations provided by PROSTEP include:
- Collaborative Supplier Integration for 3DExperience and Other Vendors
- Success Factors for Migrating Windchill Data to 3DExperience in Aerospace Manufacturing
- A Role for 3DExperience in Digital Twin Customer Integration
- 3DExperience Data Exchange Use Cases (Inside and Outside Enterprise) for Aerospace and Automotive Industries
You may request a copy of the PROSTEP presentations here.
For over 30 years, PROSTEP provides best-in-class solutions in data interoperability and exchange for the discrete manufacturing industry. As an impactful technology partner with Dassault, PROSTEP’s solutions for 3DExperience platform users provide PLM integration, PLM migration, and data exchange interoperability between differing systems across domains. This gives users the ability for synchronized, bi-directional data flow between PLM, ALM, SDM, MES, ERP, CAx, and legacy systems so your development teams can have better, faster, and more efficient product development.
PROSTEP AG is recognized as a partner to the leading manufacturing companies worldwide. We count the top companies in this industry among our customers. PROSTEP is an independent consulting and solution development company, but also supplies ready-made product solutions. Our strength lies in a combination of industry-specific expertise, process know-how and technological competence. We offer our customers competent consultancy services, a comprehensive range of other services, and innovative solutions covering every aspect of product lifecycle management.
The PROSTEP Group has a current headcount of more than 300 and 20+ years of experience. In addition to headquarters in Darmstadt, PROSTEP also maintains branch offices in Berlin, Böblingen, Cologne, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, and Wolfsburg.
PROSTEP, Inc. is the wholly owned subsidiary of PROSTEP AG and is located in the hub of the US automotive industry, Troy, MI.
PROSTEP plays an integral part in new developments with various memberships to organizations leading digital change. Organizations include: ASAM e.V. – Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems, NAFEMS – National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards, OCX Consortium, OMG Consortium – Object Management Group, Inc., PDF Association, prostep ivip Assocation, VDMA – Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. and WiGeP – Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung.
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Joseph Lopez
Phone: +1 (248) 660 7038