CENIT and PROSTEP Announce Strategic Cooperation for PLM Integration, PLM Migration and Collaboration
The PLM consulting and software companies CENIT and PROSTEP are bundling their expertise and products in the fields of system integration, system migration, process automation, and collaboration with the aim of providing their customers with even more powerful solutions. CENIT is contributing its decades of experience with the software platforms from Dassault Systèmes and SAP to the strategic cooperation.
In a world characterized by cross-company value chains, joint ventures and mergers, the digitalization of business processes inevitably requires getting to grips with heterogeneous system environments. Full system consolidation is often not the right answer, which is why it is necessary to find the right balance between consolidation and integration. This is where the strategic cooperation between CENIT and PROSTEP comes into play. The two companies intend to contribute the experience they have each gained from hundreds of projects involving different CAx and PLM systems to the joint solution portfolio.
Vendor neutrality and openness are the hallmarks of PROSTEP. The open, standards-based software applications OpenPDM and OpenDXM GlobalX enable companies to integrate heterogeneous CAx/PLM landscapes and design end-to-end PLM processes. Within the framework of the cooperation, CENIT can offer OpenDXM GlobalX software to customers who use the 3Dxperience platform (3DX) or SAP ECTR and want to automate their data exchange processes. PROSTEP and CENIT also intend to work together more closely on migration and integration projects.
Although the cooperation is still relatively new, it is already bearing fruit. The interaction between SAP PLM and OpenDXM GloablX when designing highly automated collaboration processes in product development will be presented at the CENIT SAP PLM Foundation’s Stadium Tour in March. The two companies will also demonstrate how the joint collaboration solutions can be used in 3DX environments at the exhibition being held at the prostep ivip Symposium in April. In addition, different application scenarios that demonstrate the interaction between the solutions in the product development process of a typical manufacturing company will be on show at the CENIT Innovation Day in May.Original Article By Peter Pfalzgraf. Reposted with permission from PROSTEP AG.
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