Secure Data Exchange

PROSTEP SSI Conference 2019

Shipbuilding experts from PROSTEP on a grand voyage with OpenPDM SHIP

The shipbuilding experts at PROSTEP had a “hot” autumn with a wealth of events. Our new flagship product OpenPDM SHIP was always with us. The integration platform, which connects special applications for shipbuilding with classic mechanical CAD applications and common PDM/PLM and ERP systems via standardized connectors, attracted attention everywhere.


SAMPL Becomes a Prime Example for the Industrial Use of the Blockchain

The Secure Additive Manufacturing Platform for the secure exchange of 3D print data, which PROSTEP has developed together with partners, is becoming a prime example of the industrial use of the blockchain. No matter where we present the results of the SAMPL project, the solution is very well received. At the IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona, we demonstrated how it can be used to print licensed spare parts for the Mars Rover.

PROSTEP SET Level 4to5

PROSTEP Participates in Funding Project on Autonomous Driving

PROSTEP is actively participating in key funding projects for the validation and verification of autonomous driving functions such as V&V and SET Level 4to5, which are of strategic importance for the digital transformation of the automotive industry. As the leading, vendor-independent PLM consulting and software company, we will support its partners from industry and the research community in the testing and industrialization of project results.

M. Kurt Saygin

Engineers Helping People Help Themselves

An interview with M. Kurt Saygin

PROSTEP is a supporting member of Engineers Without Borders Germany (Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V. (IOG)). In an interview for the PROSTEP newsletter, M. Kurt Saygin, chairman of the organization’s board, discussed the objectives and activities of the non-profit aid organization, which in recent years has implemented infrastructure projects in 30 countries together with local partners. The staff, which is mainly made up of volunteers, provides engineering-specific support that helps people help themselves.
In development alliances, all participants face the challenge of efficiently coordinating their collaboration across various CAx and PLM systems. CONTACT Software and PROSTEP AG are therefore pooling their skills in the areas of IT, processes and methods in order to offer suitable solutions for different collaboration scenarios

3D printing technology

PROSTEP Sees Increasing Interest in Blockchain and 3D Printing

Blockchain and additive production not only go well together – they are also arousing great interest. Over 70 participants from industry, development and the research community attended the User Day held at the Center for Applied Aviation Research (ZAL) in Hamburg, where PROSTEP, together with other consortium partners, presented the results of the joint SAMPL (Secure Additive Manufacturing Platform) project sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

OpenPDM Ship

PROSTEP Presents Integration Platform for Shipbuilding

Recently, PROSTEP officially launched OpenPDM SHIP, an integration platform optimized specifically for the maritime industry. It connects shipbuilding-specific development systems via standardized connectors with common PDM/PLM and ERP systems as well as with mechanical CAD applications, thus creating the prerequisite for end-to-end digital processes in shipbuilding and shipping.

Blockchain for PLM

Blockchain and Additive Manufacturing: Can the Two be Combined?

Yes, they can. And we have demonstrated this within the framework of the SAMPL project. For almost three years PROSTEP, together with seven partners, has been developing an end-to-end solution for the forgery-proof exchange of 3D print data. The key to this is the use of blockchain, or distributed ledger, technology. On 10 October 2019, we will be presenting the project results at a user conference being held at the Center of Applied Aeronautical Research (ZAL) in Hamburg.


Valeo SIEMENS eAutomotive uses OpenDXM GlobalX Secure Data Exchange as SaaS Solution

Software is controlling ever more critical functions in vehicles. In order to ensure integrity, carmakers and automotive suppliers are demanding the highest level of security when exchanging software code. At the same time, they need to be able to integrate new partners in the exchange processes flexibly. This is why Valeo Siemens eAutomotive is using PROSTEP’s secure data exchange solution OpenDXM GlobalX as a service from the cloud.


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